Welcome to the Bathwick Parishes

Welcome to the Bathwick Parishes

Our Vision

To love Jesus with all our hearts and minds, and to love the people of the Bathwick parishes as ourselves.

About Us

At the heart of our life in the Bathwick parishes is the worship of Almighty God. Our churches of St Mary the Virgin and St John the Baptist offer places for worship and prayer, and also seek to serve our local community through the provision of pastoral care and through a wide range of community events for people of all ages.

At the centre of all we do is the following of Jesus’ command, ‘do this in remembrance of me.’ The Eucharist, or Mass, celebrated daily, is at the heart of all we do, as is the daily offering of Morning and Evening Prayer.

The Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage, and the ministry of Funerals form an important part of our parochial life.

Our parish priest is Fr Peter Edwards who has served our parishes since 2013. He is assisted by a number of assistant clergy and lay ministers, and by a team of church officers who support the mission and ministry of our churches.

I hope that this website helps to answer any questions you have – and we look forward to welcoming you in person to our churches.

We remember all who visit here in our prayers – please be assured of them.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any enquiries or if we can help in any way.

Fr Peter Edwards, Rector of Bathwick

Click here for our Latest weekly noticesheet which includes details of services around the parish.

View the latest mass streamed by Fr Peter on our Bathwick Benefice News Facebook page


You can view copies of our Safeguarding policies by selecting the Policies section of the menu.

Bathwick Parishes