The Organ
Originally installed by Father Willis in 1878 and enlarged by him in 1894. His pipework remains at the heart of the organ, in spite of subsequent alterations by Hele and Co in 1904, Norman and Beard in 1932 and Eustace and Aldridge in 1980.
As the organ was built before the standardisation of Concert Pitch to A(4) = 440,
it is actually pitched at circa A(4) = 452.89
Swell Organ
1. Echo Bourdon 16
2. Open Diapason 8
3. Salicional 8
4. Gedact 8
5. Vox Celeste 8
6. Principal 4
7. Suabe Flute 4
8. Fifteenth 2
9. Mixture (17.19.22)
10. Contra Oboe 16
11. Cornopean 8
12. Clarion 4
i) Tremulant
ii) Octave
iii) Sub Octave
iv) Unison Off
Great Organ
13. Double Diapason 16
14. Open Diapason I 8
15. Open Diapason II 8
16. Clarabella 8
17. Principal 4
18. Harmonic Flute 4
19. Twelfth 2 2/3
20. Fifteenth 2
21. Mixture (22.26.29)
22. Trumpet 8
v) Swell to Great
vi) Choir to Great
vii) Great and Pedal Pistons
Choir Organ
23. Dulciana 8
24. Claribel Flute 8
25. Gamba 8
26. Viola 4
27. Flute 4
28. Piccolo 2
29. Orchestral Oboe 8
30. Clarinet 8
viii) Tremulant
31. Trumpet (Great) 8
32. Tuba 8
ix) Octave
x) Sub Octave
xi) Unison Off
xii) Swell to Choir
Pedal Organ
33. Acoustic Bass 32
34. Open Wood 16
35. Violone 16
36. Bourdon 16
37. Principal 8
38. Bass Flute 8
39. Fifteenth 4
40. Trombone 16
xiii) Swell to Pedal
xiv) Great to Pedal
xv) Choir to Pedal
8 adjustable thumb pistons to Swell (duplicated by toe pistons)
8 adjustable thumb pistons to Great
8 adjustable thumb pistons to Choir
8 adjustable toe pistons to Pedal
8 adjustable General thumb pistons
Reversible thumb and toe pistons to primary couplers
Reversible thumb and Toe pistons to Pedal Trombone
“Doubles Off” thumb Piston
“Generals to swell toe pistons” button
8-channel memory with dial and scope button
Setter piston with lock
General Cancel thumb piston