Bathwick St. Mary C.E.V.A. Primary School
The importance of the work in the school cannot be emphasised enough as it is here that children receive grounding for their lives in the future.
The school has been in the parish since Victorian times and on the present site since 1986
It has 225 pupils and has a single year group entry. It is currently known for its high level of achievement. The governing body consists of 14 members, 8 of whom are Foundation Governors appointed by the P.C.C. The Rector is an ex officio Foundation Governor and takes an active role in the life of the school. Several members of St. Mary’s congregation are also actively involved, one of whom is currently Chair of the Governors.
The Rector takes Collective Worship on a regular basis and leads a termly Eucharist at the school. Three end of term services are held at St. Mary’s as well as some of the children participating in the annual Education service.
As well as supporting the school financially, St. Mary’s Church also sends an annual donation to St. Mark’s Secondary V.A. School in the city.